Fertiliser Programme Results from other labs entered into Qlabs Programme
and fertiliser recommendation made. $156.00
Fertiliser Programme Samples sent to other labs via Qlabs, collected by consultant.
Soil prep, courier bag, & data entry cost included.
Travel one way will be charged @$ 1.00 /km and added to this price. $180.78+
Fertiliser Programme Sample sent to other labs via Qlabs, self-sample.
Soil prep, courier bag, & data entry cost included. $180.78
Solvita Soil respiration rate & potential organic nitrogen release.
Soil must be sent to Qlabs in the first instance to ensure correct prep of the soil. $ 80.00
Other tests available on request POA
Feed Balancing Formulation Results from other labs entered into Qlabs
Feed Programme and a balancing ration formulated. $156.00
Feed Balancing Formulation, Samples sent to other labs via Qlabs,
collected by consultant. Courier bag & data entry cost included.
Travel one way will be charged @$ 1.00 /km and added to this price. $167.47+
Feed Balancing Formulation, Samples sent to other labs via Qlabs,
Self-Sample. Courier bag & data entry cost included. $167.47
RNUE (Ruminant Nitrogen Utilisation Efficiency) (DM, CP, Fat, Ash, NDF, CF) $125.00
Dry Matters $ 32.28
Other tests available on request POA
Bacterial Water E.coli, Coliforms $ 28.12